1. Apologies
Present David, Charlie, Laura, Max, Simon and Ralph (by phone).
Apologies from Paul, Sam and Anne.
2. Previous Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting held on the 15th November 2022 were approved, with one update noted:
- Simon raised to please add thanks to Steve Brockwell for his significant contribution to Bonfire Night.
3. Matters Arising
Dave opened the meeting as Chair voicing that it was incredibly sad to hear of the passing of Peter Herbert, all thoughts are with his family through this difficult time.
4. Christmas Party
It was agreed that it was great to see such good attendance from the village and positive feedback on the event. Thanks were expressed to Ralph for the live music, Max for the food and drink, Simon for the Cricket Club collaboration on glasses and stock, and the whole BVS team for Village Hall decoration and tidy up.
It was confirmed that the nominated local Ukraine charity Neighbours Welcome received £180 cash donations on the night, for which a cheque has been sent. In addition, Ralph highlighted that £10 was also donated on the card reader, which less a small processing fee should also be noted and sent, action for the Treasurer to confirm.
It was agreed that it would be good to book additional live entertainment for the next Christmas Party. Simon to ask Graham Webb if his singing group would be available. The next Village Christmas Party date was proposed and agreed as 9th December 2023.
5. Promotion of the BVS website
Thanks were expressed to Charlie Bennett for all his work and time creating the new village website and to Simon Jones for his support of the previous website. The new website has been live for 2 weeks, address as follows: www.blackheathsurrey.co.uk/
Max emphasised that as well as creation and promotion of the village website that we are making an ongoing commitment to manage the content and registrations.
It was agreed that to promote awareness of the new website in the village two actions would be taken. Firstly, Dave and Charlie to agree content of an email to be sent to all residents. A hard copy small flyer will also be posted through doors to ensure that the new website is promoted to as many village households as possible. The committee members will divide up the maildrop between them and action this once the flyer has been created by Charlie.
6. 2023 Blackheath Village Fair
It was confirmed that the date for the May Fair will be May 1st 2023.
A Sub-Committee to be formed for organising the Village Fair. Dave offered to host an initial session at Theobald’s on Tuesday 24th January. Max, Simon, Ralph and Laura confirmed attendance.
7. Land in Blackheath Lane
No change to situation.
8. Blackheath Lane Flooding
It was noted that the significant flooding of the entrance and exit to the village via Blackheath lane is a recurring issue. Max kindly volunteered to draft a letter to the council Highways department, whose responsibility this is, to seek some positive action to improve the situation.
9. Update – Wonersh Parish Council
No further update.
10. Update - Village Hall
No further update. It was noted that a new Village Hall representative needs to be nominated for future updates. Dave to seek a proposed representative from Sam.
11. Update - Cricket Club
Simon highlighted that tickets are still available and all villagers are welcome to the Cricket Club Quiz night on Saturday 28th January.
The fundraising Cricket Club Ball is also planned for June 2023 (date tbc) including charity auction.
12. AOB
Registering Defibrillators - Simon Jones kindly agreed to register the village defibrillators on the national register.
Fire Beaters – It was discussed that given the hotter summers and the wildfires experienced elsewhere in 2022 that we should prioritise reinstating fire beaters within the village ahead of summer 2023. Dave to ask Lucy the Ranger for a cost and sourcing process for fire beaters so an approach can be agreed.
13. AGM It was agreed that the BVS AGM would be held on 13th April 2023 at the Village Hall.
14. Next Meeting Next BVS Meeting agreed as 28th March at Prince Albert Cottage.