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Blackheath Village Email Address

Blackheath Village Society

David Grisley (Chairman) 07900 218239

Paul Brodie (Secretary) 01483 790000 / 890089

N/A (Treasurer)


Other Members

Max Gibbs 01483 890585

Ralf Broadbent 

The Hon. Peter Herbert (Lord of the Manor) 01483 424916

Anne Jenkins 01483 894558

Charlie Bennett:

Blackheath Village Hall

Graham Hayward (Chairman) 01483 893969

Village Hall Lettings

Jane Hayward 01483 898365

Blackheath Cricket Club

The Hon. Peter Herbert President 01483 424916

Nick Harrison  (Chairman) 01483 898650

Simon Jones  (Secretary) 01483 892860


Lord of the Manor

The Hon. Peter Herbert 01483 424916

Blackheath & Wonersh Vicar

Revd David Peters: Wonersh Church (link)

Blackheath Church Warden

Patricia Allen 01483 893094

Blackheath District Church Council

David Allen (treasurer) 01483 893094

Christine Sweeting (secretary) 01483 578893

Blackheath Church Choir

Patricia Allen 01483 893094

Blackheath & Wonersh Parish Magazine (Editorial)

Camilla Gosden 01483 578893

St Augustine's Abbey 01483 899360

Blackheath Ranger/Waverley Borough Council

David Olliver 01483 423081

Blackheath & Bramley Choral Society

Patrick Venning 01483 892284

Mrs Liz Owen (Hon Sec.) 01483 565481

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

Nick Morris 01483 893922

Blackheath Bowls Club

Nick Walker 01730 892681

Four Villages Day Centre

Day Centre for housebound elderly residents @ Blunden Court, Bramley

Nina Deal 01483 892465 / 01483 202335 / 01483 893563


Website Administration 

Simon Jones:

01483 892860

Charlie Bennett:

Website Design

Charlie Bennett:

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