Local Directory
Bus Service Click for Bus Timetable
Door to door Transport
Community Transport Guildford area 01483 458055
Guildford Shop mobility01483 453993 (to hire scooters & wheelchairs for use around town centre)
National Express 08717 81 81 81
Southwest railways 0345 6000 650
Luton Airport 01582 405100
Mini Cab (Beeline) Guildford 01483 823232
General Practitioners
The Surgery, Wonersh 01493 898123
Woodbridge Hill 01483 537194
Merrow Park Dental Practice 01483571816
Boots Pharmacy, Shalford 01483561975
Wonersh Pharmacy 01483890683
Milk Delivery
Milk and More 0345 606 3606
Londis Chilworth Store 01438 573364
Hepworth Garage, Shalford 01483301306
Hubers Garage, Shalford 01483427979
Royal Surrey 01483 571122
Farnham Road 03005555222
Community Information
Surrey Police 01483 571212
Crime Stoppers 0800 555111
Guildford Crown Court 01483468500
Spectrum Leisure Centre 01483 443322
Guildford Lido (50m pool) 01483 449108
Tourist Info 01483 444333
Odeon Cinema 03330144501
Department for Work and Pensions
Samaritans 116 123
Age Concern Surrey 01483 503414
Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999
Alcoholics Anon 0800 9177 650
Relate West Surrey 01483 602998
Community Meals on Wheels Guildford area (4.50 a meal) 01483 458055
Community Transport Guildford area 01483 458055
Citizens Advice Guildford and Ash 08082 787888
Child Line 0800 1111
Emergency No's.
Water - Thames Water 0800 3169800
Electricity: Find who is your operator by calling 105
Gas 0800 111999
RAC 0330 159 1111
AA 03330 046 046