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Blackheath Village Society Minutes 15th March 2022

Blackheath Village Society - Minutes of the Meeting at the Cricket Pavilion on 15th March 2022
Present: Christina Hartshorn (CH) Paul Brodie (PB) Max Gibbs (MG) David Grisley (DG) Charles Bennett (CB) Ralph Broadbent (RB)
Apologies: Paul Vincent (PV) Nick Harrison (NH) Sam Purvis (SP) Peter Herbert (PB) Anne Jenkins (AJ)

1. Minutes of the Meeting Held on 9th February 2022:
The minutes were approved.
Matters Arising: CH wrote to Richard Williams (RW) to thank him for his contribution in respect of the investigation into the BVS constitution.

2. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Party:
DG provided an updated budget estimating expenses and income resulting in a net cost to the BVS of approximately £310. The agreed date of the event will be held on Friday 3rd June 2022 between 1pm and 4pm.
CH raised several points for clarification as follows:
The street will be closed from 12am to 6pm, and DG will confirm the exact times. The closure will be from the crossroads to the entrance adjacent to Barnett Hill and a diversion route will be the same as organised with the Village Fair via Chilworth.
The estimated number of attendees for the afternoon is in the region of 250, comprising 200 residents and 50 guests.
A temporary event licence will be applied for by MG online.
It was confirmed that there are presently no Covid restrictions and wet weather options will include cancellation, utilisation of the village hall, utilisation of gazebos and marquees, including at the cricket club.
Tables and chairs will be provided from the village hall - DG to confirm with the village hall Committee). Otherwise, the residents attending the party will provide additional tables and chairs.
It was agreed that we will have commemorative mugs and PB provided some suggested alternatives with prices, resulting in a contribution of between £300 and £500 depending on the sales.
CH thought that this not should be a free event, suggesting that a flat fee of £5 for all attendees would enable the event to break even. She questioned whether this was in furtherance of our charitable purposes, as set out in the Constitution. DG believed that this promoted the social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation within Blackheath. He did not want to create any barriers that may prevent people from attending the event, whether they were residents or their guests. These views were agreed with by RB, MG and CB. mindful that some residents are financially challenged at the moment due to changed circumstances. CH recognised these views and the committee agreed that the event should be free to residents with a fee for friends and family attendees.
The issue of raising money for the Ukrainian Appeal was also discussed. It was agreed that this would be done through a raffle on the day and attendee contributions. Any extra profit from mug sales would be allocated to the Appeal

CH confirmed that through NH, the cricket club would contribute 3 barrels of real ale; NH had also offered extra chairs, if required for the event. A further offer of one marquee from the cricket club, in the event of rainy weather was made. The Committee thanked NH for his generous offer.
Action: DG will complete the flyer with the assistance of CB and send the draft copy to CH for approval. . The next meeting for the sub-committee will be held at Theobalds on 29 March 2022.

3. Jubilee Tree:
CH confirmed that a small leaf lime tree (tilia cordata) had been donated by Surrey County Council and an area behind the well has been cleared and prepared by a small working party for the tree to be planted. It will require staking and protection with chicken wire, which DG will provide. The tree needs to be planted during the latter part of March and CH has communicated with Patricia Allen about the provision of a plaque (on slate), which the BVS will pay for. CH advised the Committee that Waverley Borough Council are required to sign off for the planting of the tree and PB suggested that unless we hear to the contrary, we plant the tree as proposed.
CH suggested and it was agreed that several children in the village could commemorate its planting on the day of the Queen’s Jubilee party. DG suggested photographs should be taken of the event and posted on our website.

4. Annual General Meeting:
This was confirmed to be held on Tuesday 22 March with drinks at 7.30 pm and starting at 8 pm in the village hall. The proposed changes to the BVS Constitution have been agreed with both NH and RW. These alterations will require approval of 2/3 majority of members present and voting at the meeting.
The financial report for the year ending 31December 2021 will be presented at the meeting for approval by the members. PV has asked for PB to present the accounts, which due to the impact of Covid 19 there have been very few activities.
As CH, PV, and NH are standing down, there is a requirement for new signatories on the account. This will necessitate updating the bank mandate with HSBC with the new signatories.
It was proposed and agreed that the new signatories should comprise:
David Grisley (new Chair). Paul Brodie (Secretary). Max Gibbs.
A fourth signatory would be added when the new treasurer was appointed (after the AGM of 22.03.2022). Signatories to be removed from the account:
Hamish Whiteman. Paul Vincent. Nick Harrison. Christina Hartshorn.
It was resolved that a bank account or accounts be continued and the Bank is authorised to act on any Instructions provided they have been given by those persons named in the Specimen Signature section (or authorised by such persons in accordance with the applicable authorisation requirement(s)) as follows: Any two listed persons
That any debt incurred to the Bank under this mandate shall, in the absence of written agreement by the Bank to the contrary, be repayable on demand.

That the Secretary is authorised to supply the Bank, as and when necessary, with lists of all persons who are authorised to give instructions on behalf of the Society, and that the Bank may rely on such lists.
That the Society accepts the account(s) and banking relationship with the Bank will be governed by and subject to the Business Banking Terms and Conditions (a copy of which has been provided) as amended from time to time, together with any terms and conditions in respect of specific products and services requested by the Society.
That these resolutions be communicated to the Bank and remain in force until cancelled by notice in writing to the Bank, signed by the Chairperson or Secretary from time to time acting or claiming to act on behalf of the Society, and the Bank shall be entitled to act on such notice whether the resolutions have been validly cancelled or not.
It was further agreed that the same new signatories would be added for the CCLA charities deposit fund and the mandate updated accordingly.
Action: CH will send a reminder to all residents about the forthcoming AGM and the three vacancies on the BVS Committee that are available.
PB explained his understanding of the difference between restricted and unrestricted funds and it was agreed that this would be further discussed with the new Treasurer.
DG suggested that we should reflect the assistance that NH has provided as a previous Chairman and long service with the BVS, but we should also recognise the important contribution from both PV as Treasurer and CH as our current Chair. This was unanimously agreed and DG will purchase the appropriate gifts to be presented the AGM. CH said that BVS funds should not be used to cover the cost of these gifts; they should be paid for by committee members.

5. Website:
CH confirmed that she had had a demonstration with Graham Webb (GW) (IT developer) and was impressed with the software as the communication part of any future website. It is required that we should have a register of BVS members, also it was important that our website is updated to include this facility. It was proposed and agreed that GW would design our new website and CB will liaise with GW as he is familiar with Wix. It was confirmed that this was already mandated at a previous Committee meeting and we are committed to proceed. It was also confirmed that we would propose to charge residents £5 per head per annum for the new system.
During the interim period the present email system will be used. Simon Jones confirmed that only 4 Committee members can be added including currently NH, CH, DG, and Simon Jones.
It was agreed that PB would be included in the email system in place from NH, as he has stepped down from the BVS Committee. Once the new website has been designed the email system will be encompassed within the new system. We will also include our privacy policy and governance, including the use of emails by the residents.

6. Sale of Land (Crittall Estate):
PB provided an update of the auction sale of the land, which has been partially successful. The main plot adjacent to Blackheath Lane has been bought by the owners of Blackheath Farm and will no longer be available for parking at the village fair.
CH pointed out that the village fair equipment is presently being stored in stables previously owned by Mary Crittall and this will need to be relocated. A suggestion was proposed to contact the owners of Blatchfeld, as

they have a large garage space. PB will also contact Knight Frank and establish whether the new owners of the Crittall Estate would be willing to allow us to keep the equipment where it presently is stored.

7. The Villagers Public House:
PB provided committee with an update that confirmed that Waverley Borough Council will be instigating enforcement action against public house owners to comply with Condition 2 of the 2017 planning consent.

8. Blackheath Village Verges:
Members of the Committee have received an email communication from Jan Cope regarding her concern about the destruction of the verges and if there is anything we can do to preserve them. MG provided information from his meetings with Wonersh Parish Council that there is a budget of approximately £90,000 pa some of which may be available to protect the roads and verges, which he will pursue on our behalf.
RB suggested that wooden posts could be erected in strategic places throughout the village.

9. Parish Councillor:
MG confirmed that he has been appointed as the village liaison member, but is considering taking the post of Blackheath Parish Councillor. This will enable him to be embedded within the council rather than only able to make contributions as a member of the public.

10. Village Hall:
There was no report from the village hall, as SP could not attend the meeting.
CH has requested the contribution of some roof felting so that Peter Walshaw can re-felt the covered area adjacent to the garage which protects the scaffold poles. DG will try and acquire 2 metres of roof felting from his builders.

11. Ukraine Conflict:
CB asked if we would like to be proactive in encouraging residents to take in refugees or would entertain the idea of house sharing for this purpose. CH will consider how we communicate this and meet up separately with CB to develop any ideas.
DG thought it sensible that if this idea developed we should explain to residents how the scheme works for individuals to consider helping women and children fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

12. Next BVS Meeting:
To be held on 17 May 2022 and 8pm at a location to be agreed.
Blackheath Village Society
Tel: 01483 790000 Mob: 07768850003 Email: _____________________________________________________________

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