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Blackheath Village Society Minutes 1st August 2023

Minutes of the Meeting held at Albert’s Cottage on 1 August 2023
Present: Paul, Simon, Max, Ralph and Laura, with Dave (by phone)
Apologies: Charlie & Anne.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2023 were approved with the following
matters arising:
a) Village fair donations - Dave will deliver the various cheques itemised in the minutes
with a small note thanking those organisations which helped on the day.
b) Paul will send a gentle reminder to Peter Walshaw regarding the “This Way That Way”
sign, which he agreed to refurbish on behalf of the village.
c) Simon will contact Richard Turner to establish if he would be our liaison person and
attend BVS meetings on behalf of the Village Hall.

2. Summer BBQ.
Charlie provided a mockup of the flyer, which we intend to distribute to all Blackheath
Village residents. There were are few minor amendments, and it was agreed that the
donations for this event would be between £5-£10 per adult, with children free. Ralph
will liaise with Charlie to have the flyers redesign and Paul will print these for distribution
around the village. The flyer will also be sent via email to all of the residents in
Ralph will also liaise with Charlie to prepare two sheets of A3 with the headline points for
Paul to print and locate around the village to bring the event to everyone’s immediate
David will speak to Coin and Jackie Hayward to establish if they will coordinate the
games on the day. Ralph has confirmed that Charlotte Maggs will sing at the event for
£100. Further entertainment includes Punch & Judy and a puppet show which will cost a
further c.£300.
Anne and Max will organise a shopping trip to purchase the potatoes, strawberries and
cream, sausages, and BBQ material. However, Simon will speak to Raneld to establish if
he would organise a lamb BBQ for approximately 150 people - this is to be confirmed.

3. Blackheath Woodland.
Simon summarised the position and explained that Rares was proving to be difficult and
tried to use Yvette's house to connect to the internet. This led to a face-to-face argument
with several residents in the village and resulted in this incident being reported to the
police by Rares. Simon explained to the police that we would submit an anti-social

behaviour complaint with possible fraudulent implications and his unfortunate attitude to
local residents.
We will also contact Companies House and advise them of any fraudulent action that
may have taken place. Max has drafted a letter from the Parish Council, which he will
circulate to the committee for approval.
A meeting has been arranged amongst the local residents to be held on Monday 14
August 2023 to discuss possible solutions to Rares behaviour with parking and the land.
Paul will also write to James Herbert and establish whether he will be interested in
bequeathing the strip of land between Blackheath Lane and the woodland to the
Blackheath Village Society. This will enable the village to take control of this part of the
common land, which presently is used for parking by local residents.
It was confirmed that the BVS will provide full support to the residents who live in this

4. Planning Application (Opposite Barnett Hill).
A planning application (WA/2023/00122) was approved for the external alternations to
the existing barn, and a further permitted development application (PRA/2023/01552)
has been applied for further alterations and to facilitate the subsequent conversion of the
building for residential use.
The committee discussed this matter and it was agreed that we would bring this matter
to the attention of the local residents in order for them to make any comments and
observations on Waverley Borough Council’s planning portal.

5. Flooding and Verges.
Max has contacted Michael Goodridge and Surrey Council Council Highways, but no
further responses have been received. We will continue to persevere and will also keep
David Bushill updated with progress.
Ralph took some videos showing quite clearly the problem with ineffective drains at the
crossroads. We also need to look at the restoration of the traffic calming measures of the
village as part of the overall scheme.

6. Wonersh Parish Council.
Max explained that the field for sale in Blackheath Lane is divided into three plots and
after a failed private sale, the Parish Council will buy two of the plots to protect them and
raised 50% of the money from local donations.
Geralds Wood in Wonersh may be sold to a local resident who has agreed to maintain
the public right of way through the woodland.

The Wonersh playground has been upgraded very successfully with private donations.
The Seminary is being developed into residential units with limited social housing and
this project will commence soon.

7. Public Footpath.
It was suggested that we ask the Drewitt’s' if a footpath can be formed along Blackheath
Lane to join the village and Barnett Hill. This will provide a safe route through the field
rather than having to walk along the narrow lane. Paul will write to Steve Drewitt and
ask if this is something that he would consider.

8. Village Hall.
Simon explained that the land adjacent to the village hall had been flattened to provide
an area for recreational use in the future. Simon will also be planting new hedges and
trees with the help of the Woodland Trust to make the area more attractive.

9. Cricket Club.
The cricket week starts on 7 August 2023 and the BVS will encourage as many residents
as possible to attend the evening's events throughout the week. Simon explained that a
wedding event for the groundsman’s daughter will happen on Friday 1st September

10. Public House.
Paul provided a limited update and confirmed that both the residents and BVS were still
pursuing their interest in purchasing the public house when it is offered for sale by the
present owner. We will obtain valuations of this unit in its present condition and the costs
of refurbishment in line with the planning permission presently in place.

11. Any Other Business.
a) Laura confirmed that Sophie (Pull & Pour) would like to hold a local event in the
Villager's car park for the residents after the summer holidays. A date has not been
arranged yet, but we will notify the village when this will happen during the course of
September 2023.
b) Bonfire night - It has been agreed that the bonfire night will be held on Saturday 4
November 2023. It was suggested that instead of holding this at the cricket club, we
could speak to Richard and Julie Thomas, who own the land to the rear of the village hall
as a possible location for the bonfire, fireworks and BBQ. Paul will email them and ask.

12. Next Meeting.
It was agreed that this would be held on Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 7.30 pm. Thanks
were conveyed to Laura for hosting the meeting as David was unwell and for providing the snacks, wine and beer for the evening.

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