Blackheath Village Society Minutes of meeting TUESDAY, 1st December 2020 Zoom meeting 8pm
Present: Liz Purvis (Chair), Tracey Bull, Christina Hartshorn, Sam Purvis, Paul Vincent, Paul Brodie, Nick Harrison, Peter Herbert, Malcolm Scott (Wonersh Parish Council)
1. Apologies: none
2. Minutes of meeting 20th October 2020 - Approved
3. Matters Arising:
• Advent Calendar event – lots of villagers have signed up and the first Christmas lights have been switched on! thanks to Christina for organising.
• Mirror at Crossroads
Malcolm advised that a mirror at the crossroads is unlikely to be approved as can
cause reflections at night but he would investigate whether signage on the road coming towards the crossroads or a ‘slow sign’ was feasible.
4. The Village Pub
Dave Grisley as part of the Village Pub committee joined for this agenda item.
Paul Brodie introduced the topic and advised that the pub as of 5 November 2020 has been awarded ‘Asset of Community Value’ status.
The BVS considers that the time has come to assess the pub project and to ascertain the views of the villagers towards the village pub. As such, a leaflet/questionnaire has been drafted which outlines the background and timeline of the project and asks for all villagers to express their opinion as to whether the Village pub committee should continue to seek to ensure that the pub remains as such for the benefit of the village or that it is now better for the pub to be sold as a third cottage. All residents will receive a copy of the leaflet and are asked to express their views by 18th December 2020.
Village Pub sign
This has been removed by Lux Homes. The BVS has asked for it to be returned for the village archive. Liz Purvis is still awaiting a response from them.
5. Residents parking
4 cottages (Tarsia Cottage, Lamp post Cottage and 2 and 3 Heathview) have no driveways to park their cars. All are located close to the village car park and due to the increased congestion and not able to park outside their houses. They have asked the BVS for help, perhaps in securing individual private parking bays. Malcolm Scott has a contact at Surrey Highways and he will contact to ascertain whether this is possible or not.
6. AGM
On Zoom on 8th December 2020 at 8pm.
7. AOB
• Malcolm Scott hopes that the Parish Council will be able to pay for repairs to the bench at the crossroads of the village
• Village Fair 2021 unlikely to go ahead due to COVID 19; but it is hoped that perhaps a village BBQ can be organised at the cricket ground. Nick Harrison pencilling in the date to reserve for us.
• Colin Hayward will straighten the ‘This Way That Way’ sign and he will also repair the 20 mile/hour signs at the entrance to the village. Any expenses will be covered by the BVS.
8. DONM – 12th January 2021 on Zoom 8.00pm