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Blackheath Village Society Minutes 23 July 2024

Minutes of the Meeting Held at Theobalds on Tuesday 23 July 2024

Present: David, Paul, Simon, Laura & Ralph.
Apologies: Anne, Ranald & Max.

1. The minutes of the last meeting held on 4 June 2024 were approved and no matters

2. AGM Held on 19 June 2024
It was confirmed that the AGM was a successful meeting and helpful thoughts and
expressions were received from the residents regarding future security proposals for
Blackheath. The Committee will produce a document for the residents with suggestions
from Police Crime Prevention and Surrey Security Services.

The demographics of those attending were from the older fraternity of Blackheath Village
and we should try to encourage younger residents to attend. David suggested that we
produce a new folder to welcome new residents to the village. Paul will look up a
previous brochure we can use for future layouts and design.
We will also ensure that residents without internet access will receive information
regarding future AGMs. Paul will ensure that a notice is placed within the village notice
cabinet adjacent to the Village Hall and a Notice Board will be erected in the centre of
the village next year.

Laura suggested that we send a list of the BVS's achievements over the previous twelve
months to residents before next year's AGM.

3. Village Security
Paul conveyed to the Committee that he had spoken to the Police Community Support
Officer, who provided crime reduction advice and a police crime prevention handbook. It
was agreed that the crime reduction advice will be a useful document to circulate to the
village and Paul will prepare an email for approval. Paul also met with Surrey Security
Services, who are a private contractor and they have outlined their suggestions for the
village together with costings as follows:

Three dummy tower cameras - £220 to install each with 1 at each entry and exit of the
village including security large signage replacing “neighbourhood watch” signs.
Two permanent cameras' (with the same security signs) installed at strategic locations
which will require power and permission from local residents or council - Indicative cost
for each install is £4.5k subject to power cabling distance. Once installed a maintenance
plan should be put in place to manage the upkeep of the cameras and recording ability.
Included is the monitoring and 2-night remote patrol checks at random times and 3
members in the village will have live access to view.
Mobile Patrols as requested - approx. 30 mins to check point's show a presence and act
as deterrent - £27.50 per patrol, emergency support at £50 per call out.

This is clearly a cost that the BVS is unable to afford and will require contributions from
all of the residents in Blackheath Village to provide effective deterrents and hopefully
avoid any future robberies in our village. The most effective deterrent will be signage and
cameras to ensure that Blackheath Village is protected as much as possible on a
restricted budget.

4. The Villagers Public House
Max provided the Committee with an update - Waverley Borough Council will probably
be recommending the recent planning application to change the pub into residential use
for approval, which will be held at the Committee meeting on Wednesday 21 August
2024. Max reported that the reasons for recommending this application was due to our
inability to purchase the pub and that the business plan as unviable.
Paul will organise the Pub Committee to meet and discuss the following aspects:

1. The pub was never made available to buy by the community.

2. The property is an Asset of Community Value and we have previously tried to buy the
pub with copies sent to the planning officer.

3. A legal letter recommending a judicial review should be drafted.

4. To send our un-redacted business plan to the Council.

5. To contact Angela Richardson and Jeremy Hunt that we have been tipped off about
the planning officer's recommendation.

6. To keep Michael Goodridge updated.
Paul will report back to the Committee with the various actions that will be taking place
over the next few weeks.

5. Summer Party
It was agreed that the summer party will be held on the cricket ground on the Bank
Holiday Monday 26 August 2024. Simon will ask the cricket club if this is possible and
the bar will be open for residents and guests to purchase drinks and snacks.
The organisers will consist of Max, Laura, Ranald and Ralph, with Colin and Jackie
running the children's games again. It was suggested that we have another lamb BBQ
and to discuss this with Ranald. Simon will try and organise some of the younger
residents of Blackheath to help on the day to minimise the work required by Committee
members. Ralph will provide the music on the day. We agreed to buy a tug of war for the
event and should also promote a theme for the afternoon.
Residents will bring salads and pudding with donations to the BVS/charity rather than
charging a fee.
Ralph will also ask Jo at 1 Hillside Cottages if she will help and Simon will ask Mark at
Jalna as well for help. We hope that they will both assist and encourage them to join the
Committee in the future.

6. Wonersh Parish Council
As Max was unable to attend the meeting we have no update from our Parish Councillor.

7. Village Hall
Laura provided the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March and 22 May 2024 from the
Village Hall meetings. There were no points that required further discussion.

8. Cricket Club
Simon reported that “Cricket Week" will be from 5 to 9 August 2024 which culminates
with a BBQ and barn dance on Friday 9 August. We will try and encourage as many
residents to attend as possible. The new large television has now been installed and is
work satisfactorily.

9.New Events
Laura suggested that we could hold a “Pickle Ball" event in the Village Hall to encourage
younger residents to get together and have some fun. This could even culminate in
competing against other villages, like Shamley Green.

10. Any Other Business
a) Dave suggested that we start up a new WhatsApp group for the village. Ralph agreed
that this was a good idea but only the administrators can post any news, with residents
limited to sending emojis. This would be on an information only basis and is technically
an extension of our email facility.
David will put forward a proposal to be sent to the village for approval.

b) The Committee is still concerned about the possible fire risk that may occur in the
village and we will prepare signage for residents and visitors to be aware of this situation.
David will prepare the wording for us to print in preparation for the signs to be erected
when the weather gets very hot.
It is also agreed that we will purchase fire beaters that can be distributed on land
adjacent to that managed by Waverley Borough Council. We are also aware of keeping
fire breaks updated which used to be the responsibility of Steve Brockwell, as he cleared
trees and bracken from adjacent houses. This is a process that we need to encourage
throughout the village.

c) James Herbert (Lord of the Manor) maybe charging for any “wayleaves and
easements" in the village. This is a complete departure from Peter Herbert's attitude and
residents may not be aware that this could cause a precedent for any future access over
Common Land to properties in Blackheath. David will draft a letter to James expressing
our concern about this possible development.
d) It was agreed that we would buy a mirror at the crossroads and install it for the safety
of road users.

14.Next Meeting
It was agreed that we would hold a meeting specifically for the Summer Party on
Tuesday 13 August 2024 at Theobald’s (7.30 pm).
The next BVS meeting will be held on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at Theobald’s
Blackheath Village Society
Tel: 01483 790000 Mob: 07768850003 Email:

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