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Blackheath Village Society Minutes 27th July 2021

Blackheath Village Society
Minutes of additional meeting to discuss the Villagers Public House 27th July 2021
Zoom meeting 8pm
Present: Liz Purvis (Chair), Tracey Bull, Christina Hartshorn, Sam Purvis, Paul Vincent, Paul Brodie, Nick Harrison, Peter Herbert, Malcolm Scott (Wonersh Parish Council), Richard Williams (Pub sub- Committee)
Liz introduced the meeting and explained the reason for calling an additional BVS Committee meeting, which were as follows:

1. Discussion over the proposed draft letter from the pub subcommittee to Lux Homes
There was a discussion of a draft letter to Mark Hulbert of Lux Homes, copied to Waverley Borough Council and others, which had been proposed by the Pub Committee, pointing out that the pub had not been properly marketed and the planning conditions not complied with. PB explained that the main purpose of the letter was indirectly to bring these points to the attention of the independent assessor who had been appointed in relation to Mark Hulbert’s planning application. The draft letter had been amended by RW, to remove reference to an offer being made for the pub on behalf of the community.
After discussion it was agreed that the letter should be redrafted as a letter to Waverley Borough Council, copied to Mark Hulbert and others, and that RW would prepare a redraft of the letter on that basis, the terms of which RW and NH would seek to agree on behalf of the Pub Committee and the BVS Committee.

2. Update for Blackheath residents on the status of the planning application made by Lux Homes
There was a further discussion of the proposed consultation with the village. PB explained that the determination of Mark Hulbert’s planning application had been repeatedly delayed, and it was not known when it would be determined. He further explained that until Lux Homes decided to dispose of the property, the 6-month moratorium period would not be triggered and it was only at that stage that it would be possible to establish a limited company as a potential purchaser and put forward a detailed prospectus to potential investors.
It was agreed that RW and NH would seek to agree the terms of a short update to the village, explaining why no consultation with the village had yet taken place and explaining that it would take place as soon as reasonably practicable after the planning application had been decided.

3. Malcolm Scott advised that he will be stepping down from the PC. The committee thanked him for his hard work and advice since joining the committee.

4. As COVID restrictions are easing it is hoped that we may be able to organise a village social event. It was decided not to hold a village BBQ on 30 August, however NH agreed to explore

the possibility of an event at the cricket club on September 12th, when a concert by Stringfever is to be held.

The discussion under 1 and 2 above has been superseded somewhat as planning permission has been subsequently refused by WBC and an email explaining this, and stating that the BVS will seek to circulate a consultation document as soon as practicable, has since been circulated to residents (30 July 2021). In addition, the pub sub-committee has written to WBC inquiring what steps WBC intend to take to ensure compliance by Lux Homes with its obligations imposed by WBC on the previous planning permission.

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