Minutes of the Meeting Held at Heath House on Tuesday 27th September 2022
1. Present David (by Zoom), Charlie, Max, Laura, Peter, Margaret, and Simon. Apologies from Sam, Anne and Ralph.
2. The minutes of the last meeting held on the 10 August 2022 were approved, with matters arising :
a) Paul will email Sam to enquire whether he intends to attend any future meetings to represent the Village Hall.
b) There are no other matters arising.
3. Summer BBQ:
It was agreed that this was a great success, although Peter and Margaret apologise for being unable to attend due to a car breakdown (flat tyre). While we have not calculated the exact figures, it would appear that we made a small loss, which is quite acceptable in the circumstances.
4. Future Events:
Bonfire Night : It was agreed that this would be held as a combined BVS and Cricket Club event on Saturday 5 November 2022. We discussed the concept of a ticketing system to ensure that everyone who attends makes the appropriate payment. Various ideas of evidence were discussed, and this will be agreed at a future meeting. David suggested we should consider the BVS holding its own independent community bonfire night next year. However, this year it was considered better to have a combined event, and any profits will be divided between the BVS and the Cricket Club. Laura will provide toffee apples again and Simon will provide the fireworks, but he also asked for help to clear up the mess the following morning.
Christmas Party : It was agreed that this would be held on Saturday 17 December 2022 and further preparations will be discussed closer to the event.
5. Village Fair 2023:
David pointed out that one of the logistical problems would be car parking and both Max and Charlie will look at alternative areas close to the previous location, which may be unavailable to us.
It is understood that Richard and Judy bought one of the plots, which may be suitable and Paul will approach them to establish whether this is possible. It was agreed that without parking close to Barnett Hill, it would very hard to hold the event.
6. BVS Website:
Thanks were expressed for Charlie’s hard work in drafting the initial design and he will send an email to the committee detailing all of the various pages that require input with both text and pictures.
It was agreed to set up a sub-committee to include Paul, Charlie, David, Laura, and Simon to finalise the draft version and how the website should be used. We will include links to the Villagers Public House, Heathland, Cricket Club, Church, Village Hall and Abbey, etc.
Peter asked if an explanation and understanding of Common Land can be included, with particular reference to Blackheath Common.
A date was agreed for the sub-committee to meet at Woodpecker Cottage on Monday 3 October 2022 at 8pm.
7. Village Verges:
Paul prepared a brief survey for information purposes of which areas of the verges needed repair, but no immediate action was required.
It has been acknowledged that the verges are continually eroded by both traffic & weather and this is essentially the job of Surrey Highways to repair.
Max pointed out that the Parish Council has stated that the 3 pinch points were instigated by the BVS and should be maintained by the local community.
It was also confirmed that the ditches have been cleared and Max will continue to monitor the situation with the Parish Council on behalf of the residents.
8. Bus Timetable:
David confirmed that bus 503 was still on the timetable, but there were no services to Blackheath. We still need to investigate the situation, as it appears that a Hoppa service still serves Blackheath Village and Paul will try to find out more.
9. The Villagers Public House:
Paul updated the committee on the latest situation. We are still waiting for the enforcement team to serve the appropriate Notice on the owners of the public house (Mr & Mrs Moore) and we will then need to see if the council takes any further action if the conditions are not fulfilled.
10. 20 MPH Speed Limit:
Max explained that Wonersh Council had discussed this and it would appear that Surrey Highways are being obstructive and making it difficult to implement a 20 mile per hour speed limits in any of the three villages including Blackheath.
Max has a further meeting on 13 October to discuss the possibility of introducing 20 mile per hour speed limits in the village and will report accordingly.
11. Wonersh Parish Council:
Max distributed information and provided a general explanation of activities presently being discussed at Parish Council level. These included fracking at Dunsfold, the Ukrainian Hosting, Management Team Initiative, St John’s Seminary, marketing guild for commercial interest, and crime figures with Surrey Police.
The information on all of the above is available independently and Max has distributed various emails and confirmed that the BVS presently required no action.
12. Village Hall:
a) Sam was not in attendance and no update was available regarding the Village Hall.
b) Land for sale.
Simon explained that various plots had been sold to both local residents and third parties. The former purchases have been to protect the land and it is believed the latter purchases are for profit, which is being monitored very carefully by local residents.
The BVS has offered any help and assistance and Peter Herbert has confirmed that Rights of Access will be prohibited for anyone who wishes to develop any plots adjacent to the Village Hall. Further support has been provided by both Wonersh Parish Council and Waverley Borough Council.
We understand that one further plot is available and Barney’s Auctioneers are also marketing the access road, which is marked on the plans and can be distributed upon request.
13. Cricket Club:
Simon explained that the cricket club is winding down for the end of season and the annual award ceremony is being held this Saturday. Tickets are still available for the residents who would like to attend.
A further meeting has been arranged between the local residents and members of the cricket club committee on Thursday 27 October 2022 to discuss other issues that affect both the activities of the cricket club and local residents. Simon suggested that the meeting should be held at the Grantley public house and will book the private dining room accordingly.
14. First Aid Training:
Simon will speak to Alex to establish whether or not training sessions could be arranged for residents. This is primarily focused on the use of the defibrillator and she will advise the BVS of any potential dates.
15. Any Other Business:
a) Charlie appreciated the work completed for the fire break behind the cottages to the south of the village and asked whether or not this could be completed earlier in the season, which the Waverley Countryside Ranger may consider. Furthermore, there is a list of dates where the residents can help and assist Lucie (Countryside Ranger) with further clearing work on Blackheath Common.
b) Paul confirmed that the mobile coffee facility is still open on Friday and Saturday mornings and Sophie confirmed that the activity is successful and does not create any rubbish, or increase the traffic to Blackheath village.
c) We discussed the possibility of asking Mark Hulbert to return the Blackheath Villagers/Volunteers public house signs which will be investigated.
16. Next Meeting:
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at Aston Cottage on Tuesday 18 October 2022 at 8pm.
This meeting is primarily to discuss the bonfire night and Christmas party. It was suggested that Steve Brockwell could join us to discuss the bonfire party, which was agreed.
As there is no further business, the meeting ended at 10pm.