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Blackheath Village Society Minutes 28th March 2023

Minutes of the Meeting Held at Prince Albert Cottage on Tuesday 28th March 2023

Present David (by phone), Anne, Laura, Max, Simon and Ralph

Apologies from Paul, Charlie, Sam

Previous Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting held on the 16th January 2023 were approved, with one update noted:
Edit needed to clarify that the Cricket Club June Ball is a fundraising event.

Matters Arising
Anne proposed that following her review of last years accounts that it would be beneficial to simplify the number of funds held by pooling them to a smaller number. This was agreed and Anne will action as part of review of the accounts/preparing Treasurer update for the AGM.

Coronation Party – May 8 2021
The Coronation Party will be held at the cricket club. Max suggested that an outline brief was needed for the format of the event so we can drive the right planning actions. Options were discussed, but given the proximity to the May Fair and preparation needed for that event Simon proposed that we look to form a sub-committee with additional contributors.

Dave agreed to speak to Jackie Beadle to get support for preparing the event, plus additional villagers who are not here for the May Fair and may therefore have capacity to prepare the Coronation event. Ralph offered to check if he can source a String Quartet for the event.

It was discussed that Billie Hockley mentioned at the last Coronation, a souvenir mug was created for Villagers. Given that the Platinum Jubilee Mugs were recently created, it was discussed that a souvenir Blackheath Coronation Tea Towel could be an option. Dave to ask Jayne Barlow if she would be able to design the Coronation Tea Towel.

2023 Village Fair May 1st
Max confirmed that road closure for the day has been approved. Outstanding actions for the May Fair were discussed:
Stall Signage Simon shared example of a wooden sign for Cream Teas he had prepared and suggested using this approach for other stalls which was agreed.
Treasurer Dave mentioned he had spoken to Richard Brocksom who can be Treasurer on the day, responsible for managing cash handling on the stalls and Blackheath Bank for cashback on the day, as well as depositing proceeds to BVS account. It was agreed that the Bank should be put on the Fair map and positioned ideally in the centre of the village for ease of access.
Stallholders Simon highlighted that he has allocated stalls and stallholders to committee members to support preparation. Committee members took an action to make sure we have email addresses for all stallholders for communication of plans in advance.
Local Marketing Max, Ralph and Dave offered to put out signs locally on Thursday April 6th to publicise the May Fair.
Parking Alex Orischenko has kindly agreed to organise the marshalling for parking primarily at the Abbey with a team in support. It was agreed that marshalls will also be needed at the entrance to Blackheath lane to redirect cars away from the lane to the parking area.
Ralph to contact Rares to ask if the two white vans can be moved at the entrance to village to ensure the area is available for disabled parking.
First Aid Dave to contact St John’s Ambulance for support on the day.
Additional Simon to contact Chambers re supply of Loos, as well as Colin Hayward re hay bales for seating and filling ditches.
Simon to send an email to the village regarding donations for Books/CDs/DVDs, White Elephant including pre-loved Toys and Tombola.
Max and Sam to repair the Strongman machine and trial and option for Dunk the Vicar.

Next Meeting for the May Fair was agreed as Tues 11th April 8pm at Max’s house, Aston Cottage.

BVS Website
No update.

2023 AGM
June 8th was proposed as the date for the AGM, Simon to check if the Village Hall is available on that date.

Surrey Funding
It was discussed that we should explore requesting funding for repair of village signs and traffic calming posts.
Max to check with the Parish council what the timeline is for asking for budget.

Wonersh Parish Council
Max confirmed he is engaged with the council regarding the flooding challenge at the Blackheath lane entrance to the village. He requested photos of the flooding to highlight extent of the challenge to the council. Simon agreed to share some photos.

Max gave an update regarding the c.33 acres of land for sale at the Wonersh end of Blackheath lane adjacent to the village which is classified as AONB. He summarised the current feedback and conclusion drawn regarding the council’s proposed approach to buy the land funded by additional small levy. Agreed to highlight that due consideration was needed for the ongoing land management and maintenance overhead of the plot.

Update - Village Hall
Given we do not currently have a Village Hall representative, Simon agreed to ask Graham Hayward for any relevant updates in advance of the next BVS.

Update - Cricket Club
Simon highlighted that the Cricket Club Ball would be held on June 24th 2023. Tables of 10 will be for sale, and Villagers are very welcome to buy a table with friends.

The first Friday Cricket Training will be held on April 21st with the first fixture of the season on 16th April vs Leatherhead.

Travellers in local area – Jan Cope
For awareness it was highlighted that Travellers have recently been moved on at Newlands Corner within the area.

It was confirmed that the signs on the Heath have been updated to correct the amount of time that the Canadians occupied the area.

Next Meeting
Next BVS Meeting agreed as 30th May at Dave’s house, Theobalds.

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