Blackheath Village Hall - Gift Aid Scheme (GAS)
For the past fifteen years or so, villagers have been helping the Village Hall meet the cost of significant repairs and necessary upgrades by means of a Gift Aid scheme. So far over £35,000 has been raised from donations from villagers and other supporters and tax reclaimed on their donations, and this has helped fund essential fire escape work, the renovation and improvement of the Ladies’ cloakroom and toilets, complete external redecoration , renewal of the internal floor surface, the provision of additional under stage storage, and the removal of asbestos and asbestos cladding.
The tax system provides a number of incentives for individuals to give to charity, and the GAS route has proved a most effective method for us. The GAS enables the charity to reclaim the basic rate of tax on donations from H.M. Revenue & Customs, meaning donations are enhanced by 25%, and higher rate taxpayers can claim addition relief on their tax returns. It is inevitable that a few contributors drop out for various reasons, and currently about 25 generous local residents are donating.
More contributors are needed if the village is to keep its Hall in good shape. The demands of a fine but old building are never-ending, and legislation increasingly adds to funding problems.
If you wish to join the existing contributors, or re-join, please contact David Allen who is treasurer of the Village Hall and manages the Gift Aid Scheme. He will let you have the appropriate gift aid declaration and bank mandate for a standing order.
David Allen
Wood Cottage, Sample Oak Lane, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8QP
Tel: 01483 893094 or
If you wish to make a one off payment please send a cheque to David Allen, but regular payments are most welcome. Perhaps a monthly donation equivalent to a bottle of wine (you know what you pay!)?
So please resolve to make donations now!
Thank you.