Income and Funding
Income from lettings and fund raising events just about meets the general running costs of the hall, but major repairs and improvements have to be funded by grants (which are increasingly harder to obtain), or other sources. In past years the Village Society has generously made substantial donations from a percentage of the proceeds of the village May Fair, these funds are very welcome and gratefully received.
The Management Committee, aware that funds are hard won, have always strived to keep costs down. This has only been possible due to the dedication and hard work of a small team made up of villagers or club members. New volunteers are welcomed; please do contact Graham Hayward if you would like to get involved.
Many village halls in the country have had to close due to lack of interest and finance. The Blackheath Village Hall, large for the size of the community, has only survived because of the hard work and generosity of time by villagers and other hall users over the years. The Hall has from Victorian days been at the centre of village life, the current committee are determined that this will continue.
In 2002 in order to help the Hall survive a gift aid scheme was set up by the Village Society. The administration of this successful Scheme is now undertaken directly by the Village Hall Committee Treasurer David Allen.
Whether making a one-off payment, or giving regular contributions, the Gift Aid scheme ensures the Hall receives some independent financial support from villagers. The section on the Gift Aid Scheme gives more information. Please do consider giving us your support.